Why the Long Stroke Air Cylinder is Taking Over the Pneumatic Industry

long stroke air cylinder
long stroke air cylinder

If you’re in the market for a new air cylinder, you may have noticed that long stroke air cylinders are becoming increasingly popular. But what are the benefits of a long stroke air cylinder? And why are they taking over the pneumatic industry?

In this blog post, we’ll look closer at long stroke air cylinders and explore their advantages. We’ll also discuss how you can benefit from using a long stroke air cylinder in your business. So, read on to find out more!


In today’s world, air cylinders are used in various industries. They come in all shapes and sizes, and each type has its unique benefits. One type of air cylinder that is becoming increasingly popular is the long stroke air cylinder.

So, what is a long stroke air cylinder? A long stroke air cylinder is a pneumatic cylinder with a longer than usual piston stroke. This makes them ideal for applications requiring high force over a long distance.

One of the main reasons why long stroke air cylinders are taking over the pneumatic industry is because they offer several advantages over other types of air cylinders. Some of these advantages include the following:

1. Increased Force Output

2. Greater Distance travel

3. Compact Design

4. Low Maintenance Requirements

What are the benefits of a long stroke air cylinder?

A long stroke air cylinder is a pneumatic cylinder that offers several advantages over other cylinders. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Increased Efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of a long stroke air cylinder is that it is much more efficient than other cylinders. This means it requires less air to operate, saving you money on your energy bills. In addition, it also means that the cylinder will last longer before needing to be replaced.

2. Greater Safety

Another significant benefit of a long stroke air cylinder is that it is much safer than other cylinders. This is because the risk of the cylinder exploding is much lower, making it an ideal choice for use in industrial and commercial applications.

3. Improved Performance

Long-stroke air cylinders also offer improved performance over other types of cylinders. This means they can withstand high temperatures and pressures better, making them ideal for demanding applications.

How does a long stroke air cylinder work?

A long stroke air cylinder is a pneumatic cylinder that uses compressed air to generate linear force. The cylinder consists of a piston that is sealed within a cylindrical chamber. The piston is connected to a rod extending out of the cylinder at one end. The other end of the rod is attached to the load that the cylinder is moving.

When compressed air is admitted into the chamber, it pushes on the piston and generates force. This force is transferred to the load via the rod, causing it to move. The air pressure’s energy can be controlled by regulating the air admitted into the chamber. Additionally, the lord’s speed can be controlled by regulating the rate at which air is admitted into the room.

The main advantage of using a long stroke air cylinder over other cylinders is its improved efficiency and safety. Long stroke air cylinders are more efficient because they require less air pressure to generate the same force as other cylinders. This means that they use less energy and are more cost-effective to operate. Also, long stroke air cylinders are safer because they are less likely to fail under high pressure conditions.

Why are long stroke air cylinders taking over the pneumatic industry?

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As mentioned, long stroke air cylinders are more efficient and safer than other cylinders. This is why they are becoming increasingly popular in various industries, especially those that require high-pressure applications.

In addition to being more efficient and safe, long stroke air cylinders offer several other advantages. For example, they have a higher force-to-weight ratio than different types of cylinders. This means that they can generate more force while still being relatively lightweight.

Another advantage of long stroke air cylinders is that they have a larger bore diameter than other cylinders. This allows more air to be displaced, resulting in increased power output. The larger bore diameter also makes long stroke air cylinders less likely to leak than smaller bore cylinders.

Finally, long stroke air cylinders are less expensive to maintain than other cylinders. This is because they have fewer moving parts and require less frequent maintenance.

Overall, it is clear that long stroke air cylinders offer several advantages over other types of cylinders. This is why they are becoming the preferred choice in many industries.

How can you benefit from a prolonged stroke air cylinder?

Depending on the application, a long stroke air cylinder can provide several benefits. Generally, a long stroke air cylinder is more efficient and safer than other cylinders. Additionally, long stroke air cylinders offer improved performance in demanding applications.

Some specific benefits of using a long stroke air cylinder include the following:

Increased efficiency: Long stroke air cylinders require less air pressure to generate the same force. This makes them more efficient to operate, saving energy and money.

– Improved safety: Long stroke air cylinders are less likely to fail under high pressure conditions. This makes them safer to use in applications where safety is a concern.

– Higher force-to-weight ratio: Long stroke air cylinders have a higher force-to-weight percentage than other cylinders. This means they can exert more force while weighing less, making them ideal for applications where weight is a concern.

– Larger bore diameter: Long stroke air cylinders have a larger bore diameter than other cylinders. This allows them to move larger loads with ease.

– Less expensive maintenance: Long stroke air cylinders require less costly upkeep than other cylinders. This makes them a cost-effective option for many applications.


In conclusion, the long stroke air cylinder is a more efficient and safer type of pneumatic cylinder that offers several advantages over other cylinders. These advantages make the long stroke air cylinder the preferred choice in many industries.